FIA’s courses are accredited by important international institutions, guaranteeing students the value of the certification obtained and, for employers, the certainty that their employees have an international standard education.

ANAMBA (National Association of MBAs)

AMBA (Association of MBAs)

Ministry of Education


PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education)

Harvard Business Publishing

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)

ANGRAD (National Association of Undergraduate Courses in Administration)


PMI (Project Management Institute)

EMBAC (Executive MBA Council)

IPMA BRASIL (International Project Management Association)

AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)

EFMD Global

Brazilian Association of Distance Education - ABED

Condições de parcelamento

Valor do curso

Valor do curso para empresa parceira

à vista

R$ 45.400,00

R$ 31.780,00

12 x

R$ 3.910,00

R$ 2.736,33

18 x

R$ 2.653,00

R$ 1.856,76

24 x

R$ 2.025,00

R$ 1.417,25

30 x

R$ 1.649,00

R$ 1.153,78